Unite to relearn the Knuckle Walk with
Creation Care,
Godless Cynicism and the meaning of life by the unreliable narrator
, Yes, we are diddling
around, adding to the body of knowledge of our planet in profound ways
ways not understood else this would not be happening. We did think this was our
planet but we were wrong, God even knows, and you know God only knows who owns
the development rights. After many attempts to use faith as a ruler for enlightenment,
a frustration to unravel opaque ambigious and contradictory biblical scriptural
content leaves many evangelicals fallen from the trees resorting to search for
truth using observation and experience not revelation. Release from doctrinal
schackles leaves one with a set of new rules that can be measured, quantified
and used to build a cogent universe. Existence in a less structured reality
requires courage (it herts to think) in a time when we can see what we have done
in the name of God or what the need for God has done to us and our
world. Dr. Thaddeus Quella the
moment when haram is halal Why
is the beast so mean? Is the Kingdom of God a meritocracy, could the kingdom of
god ever be egalitarian? Is there no hope for one man one vote in heaven?
Can heaven be mediated so as to enjoy the pleasures of peace by consensus?
Yahweh says: "Yes, heaven is a monarchy, authoritarian,
because it's my deal and that's the way I like it." then a
booming roar was heard. "Only God is God, there
is no God but god, and God only knows for sure, god is everywhere, god clings
to your soul like sore underwear" for God's sake change
your shorts Anonymous Magazine presents
Michael Jackson, failed transhumanist

By consensus it is decided we never want to see Michael Jackson again. 6/25/09
Dead at age 50. Pop is the ongoing effort to scratch an uncontrollable
itch. Pop King was covered with welts
misplaced faith: Mormon TEMPLE TALK and Flimsy Charms, Learning to let go of Joe
Joe Smith Fraud The
Arrest Records of Joseph Smith from 1826 to 1830 are Rediscovered and Given to
the Mormon Church. Subject:
Guilty! Next Case! Joseph Smith's arrest record on glass-looking
charges--and Hugh Nibley's warnings about their serious nature, if proven true
( and they are now proven true.) Date: Sep 17, 2005 Author:
steve bensonWhat is particularly damning about these latest press revelations
is that they further validate the devastating nature of the crimes that Smith
committed--as, in fact, admitted by Mormonism's historically pre-eminent apologist
and water carrier, Hugh Nibley. In 1961, Nibley authored a book entitled
The Mythmakers, in which he ventured to boldly debunk assertions that Joseph Smith
had committed, or had been arrested for, the crime of "glass-looking."
Nibley (in words he probably later wished he could retract) went so far as to
declare that if, in fact, Smith was actually proven guilty of such nefarious activity,
it would constitute the most damning blow that could be imagined to Smith's claim
of divine prophetship. Derick S. Hartshorn, in his work, Bearing the Testimony
of Truth, reviews the history of apologetic denials uttered by Mormonism's stoutest
defenders--and then compares those desperate defenses to the actual evidence found--evidence
that cuts Smith off at the knees.
Creation Care Triage Fund

the five steps to empowerment with creation care Creation Care
Triage: Let's fight the sinking of the planet with Creation Care Triage? Why
not use Evangelical Environmentalism to patch things up for the end time.
Extremism in the name of Faith is no vice. The Last to Know: One would
think, evangelicals would have been given 'The Word' first. Evangelical
Environmentalism with
Prosperity Theology Creation
Care Karaoke is the answer Given our nation's penchant for faith,
prayer and belief in the supernatural, it seems appropriate to launch a few pilot
projects to capitalize on this new national obsession Evangelical
Environmentalism Using faith based initiatives to salve our national deficit;
concern for planetary degradation could be fixed through prayer and networking.
A Pilot Project is proposed: with support from our Faith-Based Initiative
there should be the establishment of several hundred worship stations or chapels
to help turn the corner and ebb the tide of Global Warming (Climate Change) to
a level that people of faith can live with. A Federal initiative for Tax
Payer funded Creation Care Parlors or Chapels could establish a new mind-set for
good men and women to come together to sing away and pray for Earthly Harmony
Creation Care, Using a well establish method for people of good
will to feel good about themselves Creation Care Karaoke would be
a solid step in stemming global warming. Creation Care Karaoke Chapels could turn
the tide for global degradation and deliver us to a higher plane. It's not rocket
science but Creation Care Karaoke is the last best hope for a unity of faith for
the true believer to appeal to their better angels. A Creation Care Triage
Song Book and recordings of creation care songs, chants and praises for Jesus
and his love of us would shift attitudes, promote sympathy for dying species,
all the little animals and curb robust obsessive consumption into manageable gluttony.
One would think, evangelicals would have been given 'The Word' first. Why
are they the Last to Know? Endorcements:
Cufi Leader, John Hagee has his regular orders of special Hagee Rapture Ready
Wear. His Super Hagee King-Size wear is popular for those who expects the Lord
to do some heavy-lifting. |
Pastoral and the Mormon Prophetic Tradition  Joseph
Smith tending to his flock. At the crack of dawn, in coat and tails, he's
out with his charge seeking for a sign, reveling in the certitude of his rectitude
to the exclusion of all others. Mormon
Myopia lives on. | In the early days Joe Smith's
flock was small but with selcetive breedimg his visions were realized.
Learning to let go of Joe Under
the sub-section, Guilty! Next Case!, Hartshorn exposes the serious nature
of the charges against Smith and how they have plunged a dagger into the heart
of Smith's claims to divine guidance: "It was charged that Joseph Smith
was accused and found guilt of parting a local farmer from his money in a less
than honest scheme, commonly known as 'money-digging' or 'glass-looking.' It was
reported to have been an activity that brought him rebuke from his soon-to-be
father-in-law, Isaac Hale. It is also historically recorded that he was removed
from membership in a local Methodist church because of the activity and trial
results. "Joseph Smith skims over the specific event leading to the
trial in the Pearl of Great Price, explaining that he was only a day worker for
the man so engaged and not personally involved. "Mormon writers have
continually challenged its doubters to find the records (seemingly lost) and prove
Joseph Smith a liar or stop the attacks. Mormon writer Hugh Nibley, the most prolific
defender of the Mormon faith, used almost 20 pages in his book, The Mythmakers,
in an attempt to discredit this 'alleged' court trial. |
New Mormon Inspired
Art smacks of the Hudson River School revisited; This image is devoted to
clearing-up the mix-up used by the Mormons for some 150 years Retro-apologetics
is not Counter-Apologegics, Mormons should apologize for insisting their deception
is worth the damage done to Global Reality. After self-scrutiny Mormon Apologetics
should apologize for their fraud. Now that Mormon Apologetics is through explaining,
their job, now, is to apologize for their fraud from the beginning. |
Next Case! continued: On page 142 we find: "'. . . If this court
record is authentic it is the most damning evidence in existence against Joseph
Smith' and would be 'the most devastating blow to Smith ever delivered.' [emphasis
added] "Of course, when that was first published back in 1961, Dr. Nibley
undoubtedly felt that after 130 years no such record would turn up in 1971. Once
again, the actual evidence, which the Mormon Church had denied ever existed came
to light in 1971. You can read about how it was discovered as well as the relevance
of other historical documents of that time that Joseph used a 'seer' stone to
find money, etc. in the 54=page brochure 'Joseph Smiths Bainbridge, N.Y.,
Court Trials.' "One might wonder why this should be cause for concern
among investigators of Mormonism. The fact is the up to then, the Mormon Leaders
had denied that there WAS such a trial. Indeed, they claim that the story of Josephs
arrest was a 'fabrication of unknown authorship and never in a court record at
all.' "The charge that Joseph was known to hunt treasure with 'peep'
or 'seer' stones, etc., was serious enough that Mormon scholar Francis W. Kirkham
stated that if the court record could be found, it would show that the Mormon
Church was false: "'Careful study of all facts regarding this alleged
confession of Joseph Smith in a court of law that he had used a seer stone to
find hidden treasure for purposes of fraud, must come to the conclusion that no
such record was ever made, and therefore, is not in existence . . . "'If
any evidence had been in existence that Joseph Smith had used a seer stone for
fraud and deception, and especially had he made this confession in a court of
law as early as 1826, or four years before the Book of Mormon was printed, and
this confession was in a court record, it would have been impossible for him to
have organized the restored Church.' "Later, in the same book, Mr. Kirkham
states: "'. . . [I]f a court record could be identified,
and if it contained a confession by Joseph Smith which revealed him to be a poor,
ignorant, deluded, and superstitious person unable himself to write a book of
any consequence, and whose Church could not endure because it attracted only similar
persons of low mentality if such a court record confession could be identified
and proved, then it follows that his believers must deny his claimed divine guidance
which led them to follow him. . . . How could he be a prophet of God, the leader
of the Restored Church to these tens of thousands, if he had been superstitious
fraud which the pages from a book declared he confessed to be? . . . ' "Well,
in spite of 140 years of silence, the records did surface. Rev. Wesley Walters
discovered the documents in the basement of the Chenango County, New York, jailhouse
at Norwich, N.Y. in 1971. The records, affidavits, and other data show conclusively
that Joseph Smith was arrested, went to trial, was found guilty as an imposter
in the Stowell matter of "glass-looking." It is not a matter of debate,
opinion or religious preference. It is a proven historical fact. "Initially
Mormons denied that Joseph ever participated in 'money-digging' activities, saying
that would invalidate his claim as a prophet. Now that indisputable evidence confirms
that Joseph was a convicted 'money- digger' Mormons have taken a 'so what' attitude.
At least one says, now that the evidence proves that Joseph was a 'money-digger'
that it really doesnt matter. (What could a BYU professor say?) Mormon scholar
Marvin Hill says: "'There may be little doubt now, as I have indicated
elsewhere, that Joseph Smith was brought to trial in 1826 on a charge, not exactly
clear, associated with money digging.' [Fawn] Brodies thesis that the prophet
grew from necromancer to prophet assumes that the two were mutually exclusive,
that if Smith were a money-digger he could not have been religiously sincere.
'This does not necessarily follow. Many believers active in their churches,
were money-diggers in New England and western New York in this period. Few contemporaries
regard these money-diggers as irreligious, only implying so if their religious
views seemed too radical . . . For the historian interested in Joseph Smith the
man, it does not seem incongruous for him to have hunted for treasure with a seer
stone and then to use with full faith to receive revelations from the Lord.'
"Marvin Hills appraisal of the treasure seeking activities make it
appear that contemporaries of Joseph Smith treated this enterprise with a casual
air. One such contemporary that was closer to Joseph than most, could hardly disguise
his disdain. This was Isaac Hale, father of the girl that Joseph would later elope
with. In an affidavit signed by Hale and published in the Susquehanna Register,
May 1, 1834, Josephs father-in-law said: "'I first became acquainted
with Joseph Smith, Jr. in November, 1825. He was at that time in the employ of
a set of men who were called money diggers; and his occupation was
that of seeing, or pretending to see by what means of a stone placed in his hat,
and his hat closed over his face. In this way he pretended to discover minerals
and hidden treasure. "'Smith and his father, with several other money-diggers
boarded at my house while they were employed in digging for a mine that they supposed
had been opened and worked by the Spaniards. Young Smith made several visits at
my house, and at length asked my consent to his marrying my daughter Emma. This
I refused . . . [H]e was a stranger, and followed a business that I could not
approve. . . . Smith stated to me, that he had given up what he called "glass-looking,"
and that he expected to work hard for a living . . . "'Soon after this,
I was informed that they had brought a wonderful book of plates down with them
. . . The manner in which he pretended to read and interpret, was the same as
when he looked for the money-diggers, with the stone in his hat, and his hat over
his face, while the Book of Plates were at the same time hid in the woods.'"
it's all about Jesus and The Shining City on the Hill Strategic
Error: Man, having created Gods in his own image now must relearn animist wisdom.
Animists knew when the critters (Animal Spirits) disappear there is penitence
to be done. Unfortunately penitence does not resurrect extinct species, penitence
is useless for the resurrection of nature; the habitat of anthropocentrism leaves
only political animals inspired by scriptures, like trained apes, to repeat the
phrases that created the willful neglect of the real reality. Really it's all
about ignorance. We don't need aliens to invade our planet, to take over our minds
and bodies, we have ourselves to battle for the moral economic and spiritual higher
ground of sustenance "And fare thee well." GOK |

shining city on the hill We have always wondered who totes the water
and evacuates the poop for this shining city on the hill. Who was compelled by
lash to build this shining city? Who owns the development rights? Why is it
there anyway? Who benefits? how is it externalized?
| Why
Struggles With God? Why is it that the children of Israel don't speak English
when they speak of their country? Yes, "Struggles with God" the country,
has much to atone for. If the Media would only refer to "Struggles With God"
when speaking of Israel, we the unwashed, would have a better understanding of
the stakes at play. Oh, Children of Struggles with God. Sholom Rubashkin,
of Agriprocessors will serve as a our guiding light for the Children of Israel.
| the
moment when halal is haram Kotel Struggle With God in
the Holyland Gathering Storm
Israel: Struggles with God, circa 1948 Struggles with God continues
on today compounding miscalculation upon mistake to create a knot so tight, so
heavily loaded that there is no reconciliation to the crimes committed. There
is only resignation to the theft by the Tribe of Abraham from the Tribe of Abraham
overseen by western complicity -- guilt from the horrors committed to the Jews
by other westerners who sought to create a more perfect Arien Nation, for the
Pan-Aryan crusade. Why not punish the Palestininan for all of our crimes? |
Occultation Now that Ariel Sharon is brain dead, I pray he lives
three hundred years; he may obtain Biblical status without more war crimes
demonic actions against a people who have had their lives ruined by his hand..
Perhaps he can become a minor prophet for his faith. But the echo of his deeds
lives on. Anomymous Magazine Celebration: Celebratiing Ariel Sharon now
three years in coma. Ariel
Sharon three years steeped in Deep Coma, Go Sharon go. The man
to give Israel Intifada on demand, any time any place he was there sturring the
Ariel Sharon visionary for his people: The thief, thug and war criminal can't
remember a thing. "Don't you understand, If we Jews didn't have the
Palestinians to fight, we'd be killing eachother." Ariel
Sharon with Bling can't remember a thing. Only
dog is dog, there is no dog but dog and dog only knows.
The man to give Israel Intifada on demand, any time any place he was there sturring
the pot for the chosen. Why must the Jew do to others what has been done to them?
Does Israel present an existential threat to itself by deeds done? Ariel
Sharon's deep ecology manefesto "Any time
you get the word second hand you know it's from an unreliable narrator."
A Modest Proposal If
I were the State Department, I'd withhold all U.S. military funding from Israel
until it decides to defend itself by reconciling the dispute over lands stolen
from the Palestinians. If Israel refuses to defend itself through diplomacy then
the fate of Israel should be given back to Ariel Sharon. We are, all of us humans,
confident of his inspired guidance. Being brain dead will not impede progress
as Israeli actions are, at present, morally tone deaf so brain death is of little
consequence when charting a course with a mythical ROAD MAP . . .
King, critic Daniel
dennett, lancet fluc, michael persernger elcetrodes
in the brain evolution and religion ---- evolutionary biology or
social biology social evolution: a requisit to order our species through the
mystical experience the nature of religion can explain science but can religion
explain science religion is like a brain worm, much like a melody that one
can't forget religion is culture's evolution for survival like stone tools,
religion may have been good for people in a time gone by religion is in our
genes breaking the spell requires some thought athiest-thiest
or animist, no matter, man needs god more than god needs man play faith as
a trump-card because it has social significance god is natures creation for
man to order society ordering society craves agents beyond the Classified
Meritocracy. some people have tin ears for religion and religious traditions;
most people are tone deaf when it comes to faith most any faith will
do Thaddeus Quella Left
Behind? Left Behind: Don't be left behind
the vetted Mormon rapture
Perfect Obedience, Don't be left behind,
Terryl Givens knows what's good for you. Yes, and Terryl Givens, professor
of mormonology, knows how to dance with the People
of Paradox. " I'm a Green Mormon too." |
The Horror:
To be Left Behind is not to be Rapture Ready Can Mormons be Rapture Ready?
To be left behind may be the worst fate for anyone to suffer. Are Mormons
predestined to be left behind in the end times? Will everyone be left behind
but the true faith righteous believer or will there be the possibility to mitigate
ones fate. The false believers must be gathered up posthumously for there to be
a fuller, happier heaven? Is there more to being Left Behind than just believing
the right thing at the right time? Is there Luck and Right Reason too? Had
there been a wider disbursal of the GOOD NEWS, there might be hope for those People
of Paradox Left Behind. Missed opportunity is opportunity lost forever
or is there hope? Creation Care Karaoke
is the answer. |
Natural Man's trouble with God; why the beast is so mean. And
it came to pass, a booming roar was heard. "Only
God is God, there is no God but god, and God only knows for sure, god is everywhere,
God clings to your soul like sore underwear, I have spoken." Thaddeus
to be continued: humans have ongoing troubles with God
Man's Struggle with God, God's Struggle with Man |
Grow the Faith Business Neo-Orthodox,
Mormon Agency
For those who feel their faith slipping away When time is tight and your are
missing temple talk you can now pop into the New Salt Lake City Mormon Drive-in. Beyond
the Mega-Church, the Mormon Drive-In is the latest theological concept to be trotted
out by the Mormon Apostles. Now TBM's can just mail it in and carry on to the
golf links or shop at the new mall. | Temple
Baptized Mormon Drive In: The
Temple Baptized Mormon Drive-In App, Now Available
to Temple Recommened LDS.  Mormon
Cinema, Neo-Orthodox Mormon Movies, By Divine Right Mormon Exceptionalism is Imagined
America on steroids |
Struggle with Man Man's Struggle with God The
Natural Man debacle
Had God seen fit to eliminate some of the vexing details of existence, the need
to eat, pee poop and procreate, the "Natural Man" would not be held
in such disdain. But God in HIS near-infinite wisdom could not figure out how
to correct these deficiencies in HIS masterful plan thus sprang "The
Natural Man," and so the struggle goes on and on
reminds us that we humans have short memories.
Blank space is sponsored by: The Conservatory
for the Preservation of the Status Quo, The Ownership Society and
The Mormons Tribals
Unite It is hoped that we humans will leave a planet to people
who will think a little more and breed a little less. Parallax Beacon of Truth Agnostic
Animus: The Bane of Atheism and the scorn of Theism. Social Criticism
is the pain of faith in a world created by an utterly indifferent supreme
cognitive entity who wishes anonymity for copyright liability purposes.
| Fixing
Mormon OCD Mormon
obsessive compulsive disorder is fixable. The Councelor's Hotline
is on the cusp of psychic healing. When it comes to recovery, our recovery produces
results. It's up to you to maintain psychic balance through continued counseling.
This may be your last opportunity to take advantage of Celestial Signs interpreted
by cosmic experts. Opportunity forgone is opportunity forever lost. Remember
what Stanley Goldburg said. "Are you part of the Problem or the Solution?
We are all part of the problem, it's a matter of degrees." The
question is, how many degrees? |
famous quote from Quentin Tarantino "Pop is the on-going effort
to scratch an unlocatable itch; a profound reason for the same old thing to be
new an urge that will not die. It is to wrestle a serpent whose head you
will never see." Quentin Tarantino |
Creation Care: Prosperity
Gospel / Evangelical Environmentalism Celebration 1509
2009 Happy Birthday John Calvin In just five hundred years your
thinking has managed to screw up an entire planet Finger
in the dike with Creation Care

Save the Planet Project with Creation Care Triage, fixing that grievous wound
with faith. They have the whole world in his hands. The
Whole World In HandFor 2000 years the Jesus People
have held dominion over our planet. As stewards, the Christian Evangelicals, arrogantly,
now see their thinking might be a touch flawed. So, now the Evangelicals have
decided to hold the whole world in their hands, and network and flit about saving
us from their earlier handi-work. The effort of undoing what should have never
been done seems an exercise taken right out of the sweet low hanging fruit of
the Good Book.. It is hoped this flurry of manic penitence will create more
consumption by all the singing, dancing, chanting and gatherings. There is a general
smugness in knowing that being a part of the solution is also part of the problem.
Speaking to the converted (in tongues or not) is of course a must do for Christian
Evangelicals networking 'The WORD' while "praying for the end-time is no
problem." Duplicitous, yes, not too smart, yes, fundamentally un-fundamental,
yes but what the heck it's the Jesus Movement and "We are the Answer."
'Taa da da ta da da da and Look busy.' John Calvin Thanks John Calvin where
ever you are? Stay tuned for Creation Care Progress Report.
Think Tank
Talk, think tank think: Tank-think Talk Of Pandas and
People Over the past century Creationists or Fundies have much to atone
for. Attempts to ban the teaching of evolution have been thwarted by the rush
of empirical evidence however the Creationist Fundies seem unstoppable
when proselytizing the word of their Bipolar Deity. It must be recognized
that faith in a psychopathic utterly indifferent and patently unfair god gives
rise to psychotic events by its devotees; Creationism is just one byproduct of
misplaced faith. The Discovery Institute proclaims Evolution is just a theory
but the Bible is just a book written by committee. In the latest attempt, the
book "Of Pandas and People," a limp attempt to replace "Creationism"
with "Intelligent Design" seems to be as unscientific as the burning
bush on Mt. Sinai. Joe Smith's, Book of Mormon, a clunky attempt to ape the Bible,
would serve the Fundies better as text to convince the doubter; its mere repetition
has a mesmerizing effect that turns one's brain to mush. "So much to believe
in and so little time before the Rapture." Thinktank talk, thinktank
think: Tankthink Talk , or Incestuous Amplification Before
the American Enterprise Institute Mark Rayland of The Discovery Institute said,
"Don't teach Intelligent Design, there is no curriculum developed for it.
Teach evidence against Darwinian Theory." Scant as it may be, given that
geology does not give up its dead in a coherent string of events with deep bellowings
of "And it came to pass" there will always be gaps in the development
of life on this planet and faith in intelligent design will do nothing to fill
the voids with Incestuous Amplification. QED Think-Tank
talk, think tank think: Tank think Talk or is it
Incestuous Amplification? Gus O. Kahan A
famous quote from Quentin Tarantino "Pop is the on-going effort
to scratch an unlocatable itch; a profound reason for the same old thing to be
new an urge that will not die. It is to wrestle a serpent whose head you
will never see." Quentin Tarantino Driving
out The Devil Mecca:
Hajj Fundies United While driving out the devil, the crush of devotees
leaves zealotry with more casualties look
into the eyes of your maker destroyer 
flagellum flagellation for the Supreme Cognitive Entity. Extremism
in the name of Faith is no vice Hard
to Visualize quorum
It's hard for me to visualize all these religious folk together
in the same swimming pool. I know, all gods children got a place in the choir,
they are all basically driven by the same desire, some sing low and some sing
higher and they all love to clap their hands, take a bath, eat, sleep and
procreate -- some fool around and masterbate. Sorting through this disarray,
finding wisdom by the awful grace of God, some say, "Social Biology must
have a role to play." Ephima Morphew Historic
Note: It must be
remembered, Jews were already thrown out of their promised land because they couldn't
get along. Remember, history rhymes but does not repeat thanks to lessons learned.
People in this region tamed goats and grain; they have long memories and believe
in a karma of sorts. Alexander just passed through not too long ago. As a domesticated
people Jews should find a place in the tapestry but in what weave? Alright
already, jews are responsible for monotheism, it's their invention. Now do we
all have to live with it forever? Monotheists need their own planet to destroy;
leave this one for us. Moving along I hope, our problem is the Thomas Friedman
ilk, the gadfly pundit of no reput gets airplay because he has a great pig's jowl
for shameless promotion of Globalization while insisting on remaining ethically
tone deaf. M. Lee Randles Got
to ask that old question: Did
God create man or did Man create God, Who has the most to gain? Follow the money.
Creation Care Rat Race, God's Cosmic Gyre
Creation Care Karaoke: the rats race on and on, with our parasitic
aggregators. Extremism in the name of Faith is no vise. Rome,
Vatican City (Holy See) The
Catholic Church has recently announced: Indulgences are to be given to those who
leave huge carbon footprints. Persons or Corporations with big carbon feet are
to be forgiven their transgressions, given the proper offset of gratuity. Carbon
footprint indulgence is a recent attempt to gather up new guilt for the Holy Church.
Through this process it is hoped their feet will shrink. Religious Conversions
by force or by fraud are potent and effective methods to gain true believers.
copyright Scari©2005 all rights reserved Scari.Org Just
a little more Faith Evangelicals can move easily
from camp to camp with, aparently no Cognitive Dissonance from whiplash in faith.
There is no conflict for the believer to jump from bed to bed. Evangelical
Environmentalism to Prosperity Theology requires no special garmets
or incantations, just a little more faith to seal the deal.
from the Natural Man to Creation Care and on to the treasures of Prosperity
Gospel remember
the Heady Days? I do remember the heady days of Tom Delay's Agenda?
the divine mission of an exterminator. Ah, Terri Schiavo and her attempted salvation,
the inspired leadership of Tom Delay the Exerminator But They (secular
humanists) Pulled the Plug anyways. I still have a set of enameled Terri Schiavo
cuff links. Those were the days when litmus tests abounded and the glory of
the American Way was not in question, when we could almost see that Shining City
on the Hill and snarkiness was to be dealt with by swift justice and many stonings.
I opine for the need for new leadership; inspiration to tap the deep well of Godliness,
Holiness and Obedience. Remember, Extremism in the name of Faith is no vice. Hugo
Baltzer Mormon Icon
Forum, Mormon Statistics gathered on Mormon Belief and Practice. This
is an indepth sampling of religious fervor across the faith spectrum. It is hoped
this information will be used wizely it could be corrupted to no
good end. Is
it Really all about Jesus? For
many, Jesus is the answer, but the question may not have been framed so as to
conclude anything but jingoistic shibboleths that estrange us from the reality
that is really at hand; the distraction of "Really it's all about Jesus"
may be missing the point when coral reefs are dying and the arctic is melting;
being faithful to ones values may not stay the course. Counseling is the answer
to "It's really all about Jesus," we here at Counselor's Hotline believe
Jesus might look at the present day "Jesus People" and wonder what his
efforts have wrought, why willful ignorance is a banner of pride and when apocalyptic
sectarianism might find satisfaction in a world that transcends anthropocentrism.
This planet is not a rubber ball ready to bounce back for the next passion
play. gesus Need
help in you personal torments? Are you too smart for your own good?
Do you experience Existential Dread? Are there needs unmet, potentials untapped?
Does your need of therapy for labido loss exceed your love of food? Is there
a relationship between love and lust? When you say,"I think I love you"
what is meant? Is counseling helpful when dealing with consumer product obsession?
Are you distracted by perception management techniques, market branding and posession
acquisition? |