Mandate this page was created by dictum of Google Inc. Milton Friedman is dead but his ideals live on. |
The Invisible Hand is no longer invisible Spreading free enterprise by sword, terror, The Invisible Hand is on the march to restore equalibriam for planetary competitive advantage. |
"For the best of all possible worlds choice is the
one force that drives the need to have needs. So many choices -- so
many needs, the invisible hand is the best hand for demanding supply
supplying demand." Scari.Org Authentic VooDoo Doll, no pins | |
the spark, where east meets west
Don Rumsfeld said, "Freedom isn't tidy." |
the virtue of extreme navel gazing Rat Racing with Google: |
Scari.Org in compliance with Googlist mandated registry number google249116dd03050915
Google is a search engine Google is not tasked for censorship
Remember the basking shark and do no evil. |
Scari.Org ©2006 all rights reserved Scari.Org |
Universal Googlization Credo for Cyberagape, The Googlist Doctrine: Don't Be EViL On Being Googlers: Google Code of Conduct Contribution by Google and its notion of how not to
be Evil through faith in Global Googlism Be advised: With the help of Google the NSA monitors and jiggers Scari.Org for protection of the American Way. |