Raptor Collection
Legend: Uncle Gus's RAPTOR COLLECTION 1957 Dr.
Gustave U. Morphew 1907 -- 1999 Gustave Morphew D.O.S. was an amateur
Ornithologist, Taxidermist -- Inventor and Photographer. He worked for most of
his life as a Wildlife Biologist for the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forestry
Service in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. "Dr. Gus was an avid collector
of many bird species, Owls, and Raptors were among his favorite." He
made several trips abroad to further expand his collections. While cleaning out
the attic of the Morphew family home I came across many cases of his collecting
appetite. Gus had stacks and stacks of many stuffed and rotting specimens. Shown
here is just one tray of his 1957 collection gathered in the United States along
with his exploits in India. Birds Exhibited:
Aquila clanga Greater Spotted Eagle (India) Sarcogyps calvus
King Vultur(India)
Buteo regalis Ferrugionous Hawk
(USA) Falco rusticolus Gyrefalcon (USA) Buteo swainsoni
Swanison's Hawk (USA) Uncle Guses Attic Treasures 4"X9"X2"
mixed media . . . & Raptor Collection w/Text Exhibited by: Ephima
Morphew Exhibit by: Scari Serene Cultural Allinace Research
Institute Director: Gus Kahan Note: all scientists
are exempt from concerns for data collection. Collected data are used to confirm
the or refute theory, postulates or conjecture. Uncle Gus's Raptor Collection
was gathered for the best of all reasons . . . Science is Science |
Irony and the Collective Subjective Quote
from the 6th International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition: Michael Randles
remains on the testy edge of art and Ideas. Iconoclastic Iconography is
a task reduced to a cacophony of isms; fertile ground for the genetic white noise
eminating from our vestigial tails to interrupt humanitys neural circuits.
. . 
Tragedy of the Commons: Part III _________________ the Testy Edge of Art and
If the faculty at Universtiy of Hawaii are so incestuous, so corrupt
as to deny an objective forum for the profession for which they are named to promote,
one might suggest the players find a counselor, get together, discuss their divinity
and test their wings to be sure they won't melt. The function and ethics for
the priests and priestesses of humanity must revisit the notion of what the arts
and humanities are really up to . . . Gus O. Kahan |
Tragedy of: The Common remains Tragic
After having been in three consecutive shoebox exhibits, 4th 5th and 6th, I had
prepared a piece for the upcoming 7th International Shoe box exhibit competition.
I had sold Lord Buford Mumford Autustine Tullyrill's Shoe Last to the State of
Hawaii Arts and Culture Commission from the 5th exhibit and was hopeful of acceptance
into the 7th exhibit. The competition was stiff. I had contacted Tom Klobe the
Director for a Prospectus. He wrote me a letter informing me that I was not eligible
for the exhibit as I had been in three consecutive exhibits: A-ha, Rule 44a-29b-666
exclusionary clause, here-to-fore unpublished. I was surprised as there had
been no stipulation for entries based on successful past performance. I knew no
one on the jury, I had no contact with the exhibition beside delivering work that
remains on the testy edge of art and ideas. I had thought that is
what the whole notion was; to deliver powerful work speaking to who we are
Not some stolid notion of a group or conservators holding the traces of one another.
Tom Klobe, Director stated, Well mike, much of the U. of Hawaii. Faculty
have rigged the jury process to benefit themselves to the exclusion of better
work. We had to find a way to clean up the Shoebox Exhibition. There was
an inside loop I was not privy to but punished by. So much for the meritocracy.
As it has been stated to me again an again, Art is a subjective process. One might
ask, Just how subjective? I have seen this Rule 44a-29b-666 exclusionary
clause before, Having been expelled from Graduate School by the same gang (different
school) of aesthetic players The Style in Search of Substance Syndicate.
Since my expulsion from the 7th International Shoebox Exhibition I have not submitted
work for that venue. I am chagrined by the methods the players use to deliver
mediocre thoughts, uninspired forms and stolid use of material to confirm the
"Conservatory for the Preservation of the Status Quo." And we wonder
of the Tragedy of the Commons? I do hope the faculty at the University of
Hawaii have found other ways to promote themselves beside corrupting a perfectly
wonderful forum for contemporary sculpture. Through the Collective Subjective,
"The Tragedy of the Commons lives on." Michael
Randles |
by Hugo Baltzer: "He's still on the Testy Edge of Art and Ideas." | "Randles
is not interested in making fuzzy things for pretty people, Randles does not fade
from making art with an attitude, his interests lie with the fate of the planet
all of its diversity." |